Work Methods
PIT Nation works on macro, meso and micro level on community building with the ABCD (Asset Based Community Development) methodology, experiential learning, DiSC, Lencioni and Dragon Dreaming. Below I give you an insight into one of the various methods that I use in combination to achieve lasting results with impact.
Experiential learning
Experiential learning is for guiding behaviour and initiating developmental processes in groups. Experiential learning is a powerful training method for companies and groups that want to change and get the best out of themselves. It is primarily through experience that you ultimately arrive at new insights.
Experiential learning works on the basis of assignments and challenges. These assignments are very diverse. From 'seemingly' simple games close to the ground, to complex collaborative assignments. With experiential learning, PIT Nation initiates processes that are nothing like the content of the work. The focus is on the behaviour and that is what you work with. This brings unspoken assumptions to the surface. Assumptions about cooperation, about each other's behaviour or about the organisational goal. Assumptions that often have much more influence on how you work together, how you behave in the team, what you achieve, than the values laid down in a vision and mission.
Exploring together and immediately trying out different behaviour that contributes better to the desired result, that is experiential learning!
The DiSC model maps out preferred behaviour and communication. Insight into this leads to more effective communication, more mutual understanding, a better working atmosphere and understanding
There are various instruments to map out the qualities and pitfalls of a team and to uncover the most important development needs. PIT Nation uses Patrick Lencioni's pyramid. Effective team collaboration is not self-evident and requires the involvement and commitment of all team members.
Dragon Dreaming
Dragon Dreaming is always a work in progress. It is never finished. Everything always changes. Change is the only constant. The moment you can embrace that, whether it's pleasant or annoying, if you accept that everything moves on, you also move more easily.
Dragon Dreaming is for people dealing with projects, teams, groups of people, organizational models and leadership challenges.
The core purpose of an Asset-Based Community Development (ABCD) process is to strengthen residents' collective vision and commitment (production) using a process that combines four vital components: Assets, Methods, Features and evaluation.